Crushing Beak

crushing beak
Category Hammers
 Path Bone
Monster Kulu-Ya-Ku

Crushing Beak is a Hammer Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Crushing Beak Information

  • Weapon from the  Kulu-Ya-Ku Monster
  • Styled with the Kulu Armor Set
  • Deals Sleep Element Damage and has rather high Affinity
  • Craft = using an existing weapon and upgrading it using the proper materials and zennie
  • "Base" pages have a different Information box with no stats
  • Notes and Tips go here



Crushing Beak Crafting and Upgrades

Crushing Beak has 3 upgrade levels. It follows the Bone path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
crushing beakCrushing Beak I 5 780
25% sleep mhw status effect wiki240 - -
Craft with: Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak + x3, Kulu-Ya-Ku Hide+ x4, Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale+ x 6, 6000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
crushing beakCrushing Beak II 6 832
25% sleep mhw status effect wiki300 - -
Craft with: Odogaron Claw + x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak + x4, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume + x 3, Brutal Bone x 3, 16000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
crushing beakCrushing Beak III 6 884
25% sleep mhw status effect wiki360 - -
Craft with: Nergigante Talon x2, Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak + x5, Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume + x4, Bird Wyvern Gem x 1, 32000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki



Crushing Beak Upgrade Tree

Crushing Beak is part of an upgrade path for the Hammer Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant ?? tree.

Hammer Bone Tree



Anja Striker  ♦  Aqua Hammer  ♦  Baan Strike  ♦  Barroth Breaker  ♦  Binding Rock  ♦  Blacksteel Hammer  ♦  Blazing Hammer  ♦  Blooming Hammer  ♦  Bone Bludgeon  ♦  Bone Spike  ♦  Brazenbreak  ♦  Buon Fiore  ♦  Carapace Sledge  ♦  Diablos Shatterer  ♦  Diablos Sledge  ♦  Dragonbone Basher  ♦  Fossil Bludgeon  ♦  Grandrock  ♦  Iron Archdemon  ♦  Iron Demon  ♦  Iron Hammer  ♦  Kulu Beak  ♦  Lightning Bash  ♦  Magda Floga  ♦  Malady's Fist  ♦  Thunder Hammer  ♦  Water Basher


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