Despot's Crackle

despots crackle mhw wiki guide
Rarity 12
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration s gem level 2
 mhw attack 1352
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 0%
 mhw element damage thunderblight450

Despot's Crackle is a Master Rank Hammer Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Despot's Crackle Information



Despot's Crackle Crafting and Upgrades

Despot's Crackle has 3 different upgrade levels. It follows the ore path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
Usurper's Thunder 10 1248
0% thunderblight390 gem level 2 -
Craft with: Zinogre Hardclaw x3, Zinogre Deathly Shocker x2, Zinogre Cortex x5, Lightning Sac x3, 32000 zenny currency mhworld wiki
Usurper's Thunder + 11 1300
0% thunderblight420 gem level 2 -
Craft with:  Zinogre Hardhorn x3, Zinogre Electrofur + x4, Fulgurbug x5, Zinogre Skymerald x1, 56000 zenny currency mhworld wiki
Despot's Crackle 12 1352
0% thunderblight450 gem level 2 -
Craft with:  Spiritvein Solidbone x5, Zinogre Hardhorn x2, Zinogre Deathly Shocker x5, Large Elder Dragon Gem x1, 80000 zenny currency mhworld wiki



Despot's Crackle Upgrade Tree

Despot's Crackle is part of an upgrade path for the Hammer Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant ore tree.


Hammer Ore Tree


Iceborne Hammers
Anja Fiercemaul I  ♦  Anja Fiercemaul II  ♦  Aqua Flora  ♦  Aqua Flora +  ♦  Aqua Florescence  ♦  Baan Gavel I  ♦  Baan Gavel II  ♦  Barroth Crusher I  ♦  Barroth Crusher II  ♦  Blackwing Deathblow I  ♦  Blackwing Deathblow II  ♦  Brachy Tailhammer  ♦  Brimstren Drakemaw  ♦  Bristly Inferno  ♦  Buona Flora +  ♦  Buona Florescenza  ♦  Chaos Shatterer  ♦  Cocytus +  ♦  Consummate Hammer  ♦  Daora's Hyperborea  ♦  Dawning Tranquility  ♦  Diablos Shatterer III  ♦  Dios Tailhammer  ♦  Dragonseal Basher I  ♦  Dragonseal Hammer II  ♦  Earth Ender I  ♦  Earth Ender II  ♦  Earth Ender III  ♦  Glacial Bash I  ♦  Glacial Bash II  ♦  Glavenus Uruga  ♦  Grinding Fulgur I  ♦  Grinding Fulgur II  ♦  Hidden Breaker  ♦  Hidden Breaker +  ♦  Huracan Hammer  ♦  Iceshaker  ♦  Kurogane I  ♦  Kurogane II  ♦  Kurogane III  ♦  Leonid Starcrusher  ♦  Lightning Bash IV  ♦  Magda Floga Reforged  ♦  Makhlab al-Nasr I  ♦  Makhlab al-Nasr II  ♦  Mammoth Hoof I  ♦  Mammoth Hoof II  ♦  Mane Malice  ♦  Mane Malice Rajang  ♦  Naaga Matraca I  ♦  Naaga Matraca II  ♦  Nyx Hammer I  ♦  Nyx Hammer II  ♦  Pandemonium's Wrath  ♦  Pandemonium Unleashed  ♦  Pykrete Punisher  ♦  Red Bludgeon  ♦  Ruinous Obliteration  ♦  Safi's Aquacrusher  ♦  Safi's Bindcrusher  ♦  Safi's Boltcrusher  ♦  Safi's Drakcrusher  ♦  Safi's Dreamcrusher  ♦  Safi's Frostcrusher  ♦  Safi's Hellcrusher  ♦  Safi's Shattercrusher  ♦  Safi's Venomcrusher  ♦  Scorching Isshata  ♦  Scorching Isshata +  ♦  Soulfire Heel Blaze  ♦  Soulfire Heel Ruin  ♦  Soulfire Heel Styx  ♦  Striped Striker  ♦  Striped Striker +  ♦  Stygian Industria  ♦  Sulfurteinn Alcan  ♦  The Grinding Mallet  ♦  Tigrex Hammer  ♦  Uragaan Hammer I  ♦  Uragaan Hammer II  ♦  Usurper's Thunder  ♦  Usurper's Thunder +  ♦  Victorious Northlein  ♦  Water Basher IV  ♦  Xeno Maph'agarna +


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