Kjarr Strongarm "Ice"

placeholder charge blade
Rarity 8
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration s gem level 1
 mhw attack 684
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 20%
 mhw element damage 480 iceblight severe mhw status efect sIce Damage
mhw phial type Power Element Phial
Skills critical element skill mhw wikiCritical Element x 1

Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" is a Charge Blade Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" Information



Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" Crafting and Upgrades

Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" is a special Charge Blade weapon that can only be obtained through "The Fury of El Dorado" Kulve Taroth Siege Event quest Awakening Alchemy. Kjarr weapons are "Incandescent" weapons that are obtained by triggering AT Kulve Taroth's "Fury" mode.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
placeholder charge bladeKjarr Strongarm "Ice" 8 684
20% 480 iceblight severe mhw status efect sIce Damage gem level 1 -
This item cannot be crafted





Charge Blades
Avenging Magda Manus  ♦  Axelion Blade  ♦  Blacksteel Charger I  ♦  Blacksteel Charger II  ♦  Bone Strongarm I  ♦  Bone Strongarm II  ♦  Bone Strongarm III  ♦  Chrome Fortress  ♦  Claw Gold Cutter  ♦  Claw Gold Twinblades  ♦  Crusher Gold Cutter  ♦  Dante's Devil Sword  ♦  Daora's Casca  ♦  Daora's Thwartoise  ♦  Dear Hecatel  ♦  Dear Hecatelia  ♦  Dear Lutemia  ♦  Dear Lutemis  ♦  Dear Lutemis I  ♦  Decay Gold Cutter  ♦  Defender Shield I  ♦  Defender Shield II  ♦  Defender Shield III  ♦  Defender Shield IV  ♦  Defender Shield V  ♦  Devastation's Thorns  ♦  Diablos Tyrannis I  ♦  Diablos Tyrannis II  ♦  Diablos Wall I  ♦  Diablos Wall II  ♦  Dragonbone Cutter I  ♦  Dragonbone Cutter II  ♦  Dragonbone Cutter III  ♦  Elite Commission Axe I  ♦  Elite Commission Axe II  ♦  Elite Commission Axe III  ♦  Empress Alma  ♦  Empress Alma Blaze  ♦  Empress Alma Ruin  ♦  Empress Alma Styx  ♦  Everfrost Blade II  ♦  Gama Silt I  ♦  Gama Silt II  ♦  Garon Strongarm I  ♦  Gigafrost I  ♦  Gigafrost II  ♦  Girros Nadja I  ♦  Girros Nadja III  ♦  Girros Strongarm I  ♦  Girros Strongarm II  ♦  Glutton Gold Cutter  ♦  Gold Ice Cutter  ♦  Gold Sleep Cutter  ♦  Gold Thunder Cutter  ♦  Halberion Blade  ♦  Hard Bone Strongarm I  ♦  Hard Bone Strongarm II  ♦  Hard Bone Strongarm III  ♦  Hate's Undying Flame  ♦  Hazak Aspida I  ♦  Hazak Aspida II  ♦  Horn Gold Cutter  ♦  Jagras Escudo I  ♦  Jagras Escudo II  ♦  Jagras Escudo III  ♦  Jagras Strongarm I  ♦  Jagras Strongarm II  ♦  Jagras Strongarm III  ♦  Jyura Depth I  ♦  Jyura Depth II  ♦  Jyura Depth III  ♦  Kadachi Kaina I  ♦  Kadachi Kaina II  ♦  Kadachi Kaina III  ♦  King Gold Cutter  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm Crusher  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm Decay  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm King  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm Numb  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm Spark  ♦  Kjarr Strongarm Water  ♦  Magda Manus  ♦  Mighty Strongarm I  ♦  Mighty Strongarm II  ♦  Mire Gold Cutter  ♦  Mudslide Blade I  ♦  Mudslide Blade II  ♦  Mudslide Blade III  ♦  Numb Gold Cutter  ♦  Odium  ♦  Oppressor's Charge Blade  ♦  Proto Commission Axe I  ♦  Proto Commission Axe II  ♦  Proto Commission Axe III  ♦  Pulsar Strongarm I  ♦  Pulsar Strongarm II  ♦  Pulsar Strongarm III  ♦  Rathsblade  ♦  Rathsblade I  ♦  Rathsblade II  ♦  Spark Gold Cutter  ♦  Stygian Maldecita  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Claw  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Crusher  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Decay  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Glutton  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Horn  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Ice  ♦  Taroth Strongarm King  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Mire  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Numb  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Sleep  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Spark  ♦  Taroth Strongarm Thunder  ♦  Tyrant's Charge Blade  ♦  Xeno Ra'atz


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    • Anonymous

      No joke, iv beedn killing here solo for week, and with sad mood just checked that page, where people saying about it drop after they read about it. AND YES next one kill and melding i got it! Now just water left xd

      • Anonymous

        I firmly believe that this weapon is a myth. It does not exist. I have tried over a year to get this damn thing but have never pulled from the melder.

        • Anonymous

          It just never drops, days of farmir Kulve ***** and using ALL the items for the elder melder and... N O T H I N G, I got la 1000000000 taroth but no kjarr, RNG IS SO GOOD IN GAMES, LIKE HAHA GIT GUD AMR!?

          • Anonymous

            You are able to upgrade kjárr weapons, a similar way with Safi. You must have material that you get from doing her event quest in MR.

            • Anonymous

              Is there a way to increase the chances of it dropping? I know Safi drops at least one of whatever you were using, is it the same thing for Kulve?

              • Anonymous

                Where are Kjarr Weapons? Have they been removed? Can't find them in my chest or as a drop, even though I owned all of them!?

                • Anonymous

                  So why is this thing so busted again? I don't have it and because Iceborne is coming soon I don't fight Kulve for any real reason but for fun.

                  • Anonymous

                    No Lie... I did AT Kulve at least 50 - 60 times yet. And guess what!? of course I don't got this damn thing yet. Before the AT Kulve came out, I also got heavy problems to get the Strongarm "Horn", now after AT Kulve came out, I have f*cking 5 of them. Thats so freaking ridiculous!! Thanks Capcom robbing me the last pleasure of Playing MHW!!! -_- smh.

                    • Anonymous

                      Took me a little over two FULL days of grinding AT KT to get this damn thing. Ecstatic I finally got it but that was ridiculous.

                      • Anonymous

                        farming this piece of***** for a long time and didn’t get any. I main CB and Capcom, can you please make it easier to get I want any weapon that you amin is easier to drop by the statistics of your weapon usement

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