Rotten Vale is a Location in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Different areas of the game have a different look and feel, map and special unique monsters that spawn within them.

Rotten Vale is a poisonous and hazardous area of The New World. Bones and corpses pile up, generating toxic fumes that are extremely harmful to Hunters and render even docile Monsters aggressive, and an entire ecosystem revolving around decomposition. Venture into the depths of the Rotten Vale in your journey to unravel the mysteries of the Elder Crossing.

Rotten Vale Quests

There are several quests that take you to this destination:


Rotten Vale Monsters

The Monsters that inhabit the Rotten Vale are:


Rotten Vale Hazards & Materials

You will find the following Items & Materials for harvesting in this area:

You will find the following Hazards:

  • Effluvium (sectors 6, 7, 8, 9) - slowly depletes Health
  • Acid water (sectors 12, 14, 16) - quickly depletes Health
  • Poisoncup (sector 6)
  • Vine Trap (sector 3)
  • Sporepuff (sector 8)
  • Wiggly Litchi (sector 10)
  • Vitalily (sector 12)
  • Paratoad (sector 10)
  • Flashfly (sector 6)


Rotten Vale Screenshots & Videos

Screenshots and images of this area, as well as location videos go here.



rotten vale monster hunter world guide wiki pond s

rotten vale monster hunter world guide wiki s

rotten vale monster hunter world guide fumes s

rotten vale monster hunter world guide s



Rotten Vale Location Map

rotten vale lvl1 small

rotten vale lvl2 small

rotten vale lvl3 small

rotten vale 1

rotten vale 2

rotten vale 3





Rotten Veil Trivia

  • A good portion of the Vale explored by the player is composed of the skeletons of two extinct monsters that are said to be related to Dalamadur. One of their skulls can be seen in the top Rotten Vale, and in the map. The upper levels of the Veil are made out of the skeleton, and the skull is visible from the entrance of the area 1 basecamp, looming above area 4.
  • An intact Rathian and partially intact Diablos can be found in area 6. They cannot be carved and are merely part of the environment.
  • Occasionally, faint unidentified monster growls can be heard in area 16, despite there being no monsters around. 


Monster Hunter World Locations & Areas

Ancient Forest  ♦  Astera  ♦  Canteen  ♦  Castle Schrade  ♦  Caverns of El Dorado  ♦  Confluence of Fates  ♦  Coral Highlands  ♦  Elder's Recess  ♦  Everstream  ♦  Great Ravine  ♦  Guiding Lands  ♦  Hoarfrost Reach  ♦  Origin Isle  ♦  Research Base  ♦  Seliana Supply Cache  ♦  Smithy  ♦  Special Arena  ♦  The Gathering Hub  ♦  Wildspire Waste

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    • Anonymous

      There's another giant (Dalamadur?) skull in the bottom of the zone too just outside Vaal Hazak's lair, forming the wall to the right of the acid pond he walks out of.

      • Anonymous

        umm is there a chance of a rathian spawning in the vale or is it a glitch i saw one on my vaal hazak quest like a alive rathian

        • Anonymous

          The quest to get access to zone 10 from zone 2 requires you to talk to the head researcher, once you have access to the quest "Into the Bowels of the Vale" you should have access to the shortcut.

          • Anonymous

            Good question, so if you see an opening in the higher levels of the rotten vale between area 3 and 4 at the cliff, It leads you to area 10.

            • Anonymous

              in the game it gives you a mission to explore the vale and i cant seem to get to the lower levels such as ten, is there any other way down?

              • Anonymous

                In elders recess you have to drink a cool drink so you will not be hurt by the heat, is there someway to not be hurt by the gas without avoiding it?

                • Anonymous

                  i always thought all the bones were just random till my sister told me what the big ass skull was from, and i found the diablos on my own literally caught me so off guard, i just saw the familiar horns and i was like 'wtf??' thus beginning my hunt for more monster bits. i havent seen the rathian, so at least i have something else to do there (also me me big ***** baby, the first time i was in the rotten vale, i was so scared cause of all the nasty ambiance lmaoo)

                  • Anonymous

                    Kinda grosses me out, thinking about how that Dalamadur was just rotting there for a while. Like at some point that thing had flesh on it, and now it doesn't, s o-
                    Couldn't stop thinking about that when I got a good look at the skull and saw all the drippy nastiness, but h e y

                    • Anonymous

                      I've seen this twice now, so I know I'm not imagining it: While on High Rank expeditions in the Rotten Vale, when Odogaron was heading for his secret shortcut to his den, he was suddenly accompanied by a small, black dragon creature with wings folded, crawling on four short legs. It's hard to see detail, but it looks like Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. The second time I saw it, I was using a bow, and I was able to shoot it a few times, but my arrows passed through it without damaging it. After it goes through the passage with Odogaron, it can't be found again. Has anyone else seen this? What is it? It looks nothing like any other monster I've encountered. This is prior to XenoJiva.

                      • Anonymous

                        Go down to Area 14, and you'll find what I think is a smaller Dalamadur skull/mouth connected to the ceiling.

                        • Anonymous

                          Saw a tail bone that looked very much like a Ceadeus tail here. Dunno how the big beardo would get here, but he is an elder dragon, so maybe?

                          • Anonymous

                            Has anyone else noticed the blue glowing slime/bone balls behind the vines in area 12?
                            They reminded me of Nakarkos' glowing.

                            • Anonymous

                              in the rotten vale the is the dead god the giant snake from the other mh games and how you can see on the map it his head of the side and you can see his ribs in the poison waters and other huge monsters from other mh games.

                              • Anonymous

                                need help. I can no longer buy or upgrade my weapon ever since i went to rotting vale. Shop is gone, or maybe i cant find it? need some help! my weapon gettting weak. Or is this supposed to happen?

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