Xeno Shmaena +

xeno shmaena+mhw wiki guide
Rarity 12
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration s decoration level 4 mhw wiki decoration level 4 mhw wiki
 mhw attack 868
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 15%
 mhw element damage DragonBlightDragon 240
elderseal icon  Low
mhw kinsect bonus Stamina Upgrade & Healing

Xeno Shmaena + is a Master Rank Insect Glaive Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Xeno Shmaena + Information



Xeno Shmaena + Crafting and Upgrades

Xeno Shmaena has No different upgrade levels. It follows the independent path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
xeno shmaenaXeno Shmaena 8 558
15% DragonBlightDragon 120 gem level 3gem level 3 -
Craft with: Xeno'jiiva Claw x4, Xeno'jiiva Shell x6, Xeno'jiiva Tail x2, Xeno'jiiva Gem x1, 56000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
xeno shmaenaXeno Shmaena + 12 868
15% DragonBlightDragon 240 decoration level 4 mhw wikidecoration level 4 mhw wiki -
Craft with: Safi'jiiva Hardhorn x4, Safi'jiiva Hardclaw x6, Pulsing Dragonshell x7, Safi'jiiva Cortex x8, 80.000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki




Xeno Shmaena + Upgrade Tree

Xeno Shmaena + is part of an upgrade path for the Insect Glaive Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant independent tree.

Insect Glaive Independent Tree





Insect Glaives
Aerial Magus III  ♦  Aerial Rod I  ♦  Aerial Rod II  ♦  Alatreon Dragonspire  ♦  Alatreon Embrace  ♦  Aqua Rod I  ♦  Aqua Rod II  ♦  Aqua Rod III  ♦  Azure Bolt  ♦  Bad Wing  ♦  Blacksteel Glaive I  ♦  Blooming Glaive I  ♦  Blooming Glaive II  ♦  Blooming Glaive III  ♦  Bone Rod I  ♦  Bone Rod II  ♦  Bone Rod III  ♦  Chrome Blade I  ♦  Chrome Blade II  ♦  Chrome Trident  ♦  Claw Gold Naginata  ♦  Crusher Gold Naginata  ♦  Daora's Entom  ♦  Daora's Tethidine  ♦  Datura Blade I  ♦  Datura Storm III  ♦  Decay Gold Naginata  ♦  Defender Glaive I  ♦  Defender Glaive II  ♦  Defender Glaive III  ♦  Defender Glaive IV  ♦  Defender Glaive V  ♦  Demonlord Cudgel  ♦  Destroyer Bo I  ♦  Diablos Rod I  ♦  Dragonbone Glaive I  ♦  Dragonseal Aldstaff  ♦  Empress Cane Blaze  ♦  Empress Cane Ruin  ♦  Empress Cane Styx  ♦  Fatalis Glaive  ♦  Fenrir Rose  ♦  Firedance Rathmaul  ♦  Flame Glaive I  ♦  Flammenkaefer  ♦  Flash Gold Naginata  ♦  Freeze Gale I  ♦  Gae Bolg  ♦  Gama Cane I  ♦  Gama Cane II  ♦  Garon Rod I  ♦  Gold Ice Naginata  ♦  Gold Paralysis Naginata  ♦  Gold Water Naginata  ♦  Grunge Storm  ♦  Guild Palace Rod  ♦  Hard Bone Rod I  ♦  Hard Bone Rod II  ♦  Hazak Entoma I  ♦  Horn Gold Naginata  ♦  Indigo Flash  ♦  Iron Blade I  ♦  Iron Blade II  ♦  Iron Blade III  ♦  Kadachi Pillar I  ♦  King Gold Naginata  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Crusher  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Decay  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Ice  ♦  Kjarr Glaive King  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Paralysis  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Spark  ♦  Kjarr Glaive Water  ♦  Kulu Blade I  ♦  Kulu Blade II  ♦  Kulu Blade III  ♦  Lightbreak Press  ♦  Luminous Blade I  ♦  Luminous Blade II  ♦  Nergal Reaper  ♦  Nexus Gae Bolg  ♦  Pulsar Rod I  ♦  Pulsar Rod II  ♦  Pulsar Rod III  ♦  Rathmaul  ♦  Royal March Banner  ♦  Ruinous Catastrophe  ♦  Spark Gold Naginata  ♦  Spew Gold Naginata  ♦  Steel Blade I  ♦  Steel Blade II  ♦  Steel Blade III  ♦  Taroth Glaive Claw  ♦  Taroth Glaive Crusher  ♦  Taroth Glaive Decay  ♦  Taroth Glaive Flash  ♦  Taroth Glaive Horn  ♦  Taroth Glaive Ice  ♦  Taroth Glaive King  ♦  Taroth Glaive Paralysis  ♦  Taroth Glaive Spark  ♦  Taroth Glaive Spew  ♦  Taroth Glaive Thief  ♦  Taroth Glaive Water  ♦  Temptation's Trident  ♦  Thief Gold Naginata  ♦  True Gae Bolg  ♦  Tyrannis Glaive I  ♦  Verdant Levin  ♦  Vice  ♦  Water Glaive I  ♦  Xeno Shmaena  ♦  Ya-Ku Wrath I


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