Consummate Blade

Rarity 12
mhw-defense --
mhw-decoration --
 Attack Power 1344
 Affinity -30%
 Element Damage mhw-dragon-damage Dragon 390
mhw-elderseal High

Consummate Blade is a Master Rank Great Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Consummate Blade Information



Consummate Blade Crafting and Upgrades

Consummate Blade has  different upgrade levels. It follows the Independent path, detailed below.

  Rare Attack Power Sharpness Affinity Element Damage Decorations Defense
Consummate Blade 12 1344
-30% mhw-dragon-damage Dragon 390 -- --
Craft with: Vile Fang x3, Deviljho Ripper x2, Black Blood x3, Deviljho Crook x1, 80000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki



Consummate Blade Upgrade Tree

Consummate Blade is part of an upgrade path for the Great Sword Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Independent tree.


Great Sword Independent Tree



Iceborne Great Swords
Anguish  ♦  Aqua Slasher I  ♦  Aqua Slasher II  ♦  Barroth Shredder I  ♦  Berserker Sword  ♦  Blacksteel Chopper I  ♦  Blooming Blade I  ♦  Blooming Blade II  ♦  Blooming Blade III  ♦  Blue Wing  ♦  Bone Blade I  ♦  Bone Blade II  ♦  Bone Blade III  ♦  Bone Slasher I  ♦  Bone Slasher II  ♦  Buster Blade I  ♦  Buster Blade II  ♦  Buster Blade III  ♦  Buster Sword I  ♦  Buster Sword II  ♦  Buster Sword III  ♦  Carapace Buster I  ♦  Carapace Buster II  ♦  Carapace Buster III  ♦  Chrome Razor I  ♦  Chrome Razor II  ♦  Datura Blaze I  ♦  Decay Gold Fellsword  ♦  Defender Great Sword I  ♦  Defender Great Sword II  ♦  Defender Great Sword III  ♦  Defender Great Sword IV  ♦  Defender Great Sword V  ♦  Dragonbone Cleaver I  ♦  Empress Galea  ♦  Empress Galea Blaze  ♦  Empress Galea Ruin  ♦  Empress Galea Styx  ♦  Eruptor Gold Fellsword  ♦  Flame Blade I  ♦  Flammenzahn  ♦  Flammenzahn I  ♦  Freeze Blade I  ♦  Freeze Blade II  ♦  Frost Blade I  ♦  Frost Blade II  ♦  Frost Blaze I  ♦  Frost Blaze II  ♦  Giant Jawblade I  ♦  Giant Jawblade II  ♦  Girros Blade I  ♦  Glutton Gold Fellsword  ♦  Gold Ice Fellsword  ♦  Gold Sleep Fellsword  ♦  Gold Water Fellsword  ♦  Great Wyvern Jawblade  ♦  Hazak Kys  ♦  Icesteel Edge  ♦  Jagras Blade I  ♦  Jagras Blade II  ♦  Jagras Blade III  ♦  Jagras Hacker I  ♦  Jagras Hacker II  ♦  Jagras Hacker III  ♦  Jawblade  ♦  King Gold Fellsword  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Decay  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Ice  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword King  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Magma  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Numb  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Thunder  ♦  Kjarr Fellsword Water  ♦  Lava Blaze I  ♦  Lava Blaze II  ♦  Lightning Punisher I  ♦  Lightning Punisher III  ♦  Magda Potestas I  ♦  Magma Gold Fellsword  ♦  Malady's Kiss I  ♦  Malady's Kiss II  ♦  Malady's Kiss III  ♦  Mud Gold Fellsword  ♦  Nergal Judicator  ♦  Numb Gold Fellsword  ♦  Ogre's Jaw  ♦  Purgation's Atrocity  ♦  Radobaan Slab I  ♦  Radobaan Slab II  ♦  Rathalos Glinsword  ♦  Red Wing  ♦  Spew Gold Fellsword  ♦  Spiked Blade I  ♦  Spiked Bladed II  ♦  Tar Gold Fellsword  ♦  Taroth Blaze Decay  ♦  Taroth Blaze Eruptor  ♦  Taroth Blaze Glutton  ♦  Taroth Blaze Ice  ♦  Taroth Blaze King  ♦  Taroth Blaze Magma  ♦  Taroth Blaze Mud  ♦  Taroth Blaze Numb  ♦  Taroth Blaze Sleep  ♦  Taroth Blaze Spew  ♦  Taroth Blaze Tar  ♦  Taroth Blaze Water  ♦  Thunder Blade I  ♦  Thunder Blade II  ♦  Thundersword I  ♦  Water Golem I  ♦  Water Golem II  ♦  Wyvern Ignition Impact  ♦  Wyvern Ignition Steel  ♦  Wyvern Jawblade  ♦  Xeno Maliq


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    • Anonymous

      How can this GS have -30% affinity yet it has not the highest raw in the game? So disappointing that there are only two viable GS in the game and both are elementless...

      • Anonymous

        This is truly the apex of Jho weapons. It takes every aspect of the original weapons and makes it better. Damage? Some of the Best in Class Raw with good Dragon and High Elder Seal. Sharpness? Rather than a sliver of Blue there's White for Days without handicraft Appearance? Took a pickle and made it billow black and red chaos to make it look even ediger and more menacing. The Savage Deviljho weapons are just so satisfying.

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