Lightbreak Bow

lightbreak bow mhw wiki guide
Rarity 12
mhw defense s --
mhw decoration s  decoration level 4 mhw wiki gem level 2
 mhw attack 360
 mhw affinity 0%
 mhw element damage Blastblight Blast 210
mhw coatings icon mhw close range iconmhw power iconmhw blast icon

Lightbreak Bow is a Master Rank Bow Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Lightbreak Bow Information



Lightbreak Bow Crafting and Upgrades

Lightbreak Bow has 1 different upgrade levels. It follows the independent path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
Lightbreak Bow 12 360 0% Blastblight Blast 210 decoration level 4 mhw wikigem level 2 --
Craft with: Brach Obliterator x3, Brach Warhead x1, Indestructible Ebonshell x4, Immortal Reactor x1, 80000z



Lightbreak Bow Upgrade Tree

Lightbreak Bow is part of an upgrade path for the Bow Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant independent tree.


Bow Independent Tree



Accursed Arc  ♦  Acidic Arrow I  ♦  Acidic Arrow II  ♦  Alatreon Bow  ♦  Alatreon Commandment  ♦  Alluring Evelia  ♦  Aloy's Adept War Bow  ♦  Alqaws al-Nasr I  ♦  Alqaws al-Nasr II  ♦  Anjanath Flamebow I  ♦  Anjanath Flamebow II  ♦  Archbeast Paragon  ♦  Azure Era Soaring Dragon +  ♦  Azure Mightbow  ♦  Beast Thunderbow  ♦  Beastking Thunderbow  ♦  Black Planula  ♦  Brimstren Drakesight  ♦  Cera Coilbender +  ♦  Cera Cyclord  ♦  Daora's Toxotes  ♦  Datura Squall I  ♦  Datura Squall II  ♦  Dawning Insight  ♦  Deathbow Vaal Velos  ♦  Defender Powerbow I  ♦  Defender Powerbow II  ♦  Defender Powerbow III  ♦  Defender Powerbow IV  ♦  Defender Powerbow V  ♦  Despot's Earlybolt  ♦  Dios Flier  ♦  Dragon Perforator I  ♦  Dragon Perforator II  ♦  Dragon Perforator III  ♦  Dragonseal Aldbow I  ♦  Dragonseal Aldbow II  ♦  Edelescha  ♦  Fate's Thread  ♦  Felbow Crimson Hail  ♦  Felbow Crimson Hail +  ♦  Felbow Crimson Storm  ♦  Flying Kadachi Strikebow +  ♦  Fulguring Bow I  ♦  Fulguring Bow II  ♦  Gigacles +  ♦  Gigantomachy  ♦  Glavenus Arrow I  ♦  Glavenus Arrow II  ♦  Guild Palace Arc  ♦  Hidden Bow  ♦  Hidden Bow +  ♦  Hoarcry Snowfletcher  ♦  Hunter's Bravebow I  ♦  Hunter's Bravebow II  ♦  Hunter's Bravebow III  ♦  Hydra Planula  ♦  Iceflinger  ♦  Icicle Blizzard I  ♦  Icicle Blizzard II  ♦  Laguna Shot I  ♦  Laguna Shot II  ♦  Legia Snowfletcher +  ♦  Lunatic Arrow  ♦  Mammoth Greatbow I  ♦  Mammoth Greatbow II  ♦  Mist Glacia  ♦  Neo Hunter Bow  ♦  Night Flight  ♦  Nightmare String I  ♦  Nightmare String II  ♦  Princess Arrow IV  ♦  Rathslinger IV  ♦  Rex Bow I  ♦  Rex Bow II  ♦  Rosen Arrow  ♦  Royal North Wing  ♦  Ruinous Doom  ♦  Safi's Aquabow  ♦  Safi's Boltbow  ♦  Safi's Drakbow  ♦  Safi's Frostbow  ♦  Safi's Hellbow  ♦  Safi's Shatterbow  ♦  Silver Wrathbow  ♦  Soulfire Arch Blaze  ♦  Soulfire Arch Ruin  ♦  Soulfire Arch Styx  ♦  Stygian Patientia  ♦  Thundering Strikebow  ♦  Tsali Flier  ♦  Usurper's Rumble  ♦  Usurper's Rumble +  ♦  Water Shot IV  ♦  Xeno Metora +


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    • Anonymous

      Artilery secret, critical status, critical draw, blast coating, pierce shot, critical boost, attack boost 7. There is no glass in this cannon. Safi outdamages but way less blast procks. This build also gives you a reason to run hard stealth gem and assassins mantal

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