Safi's Venomsplitter

Rarity 12
mhw defense s --
mhw decoration s decoration level 4 mhw wiki
 mhw attack 1296
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 5%
 mhw element damage PoisonPoison 150

Safi's Venomsplitter is a Master Rank Great Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Safi's Venomsplitter Information



Safi's Venomsplitter Crafting and Upgrades

Safi's Venomsplitter is a special greatsword weapon that can only be obtained through the Safi'jiiva Siege quest, and cannot be upgraded.


Iceborne Great Swords
Accursed Blade  ♦  Acid Shredder I  ♦  Acid Shredder II  ♦  Barroth Greatedge I  ♦  Barroth Greatedge II  ♦  Beo Slasher I  ♦  Beo Slasher II  ♦  Brach Attack  ♦  Chrome Deathscythe I  ♦  Chrome Deathscythe II  ♦  Chrome Deathscythe III  ♦  Consummate Blade  ♦  Daora's Tughril Beg  ♦  Datura Hellspine I  ♦  Datura Hellspine II  ♦  Demon Rod  ♦  Dios Blade  ♦  Don Monstro  ♦  Donnerzahn  ♦  Donnerzahn +  ♦  Dragonseal Sword I  ♦  Dragonseal Sword II  ♦  Emperor Thundersword  ♦  Freezer Speartuna  ♦  Frost Blaze III  ♦  Frozen Speartuna  ♦  Fulguration's Edge  ♦  Glavenus Blaze I  ♦  Glavenus Blaze II  ♦  Gnashing Flammenzahn +  ♦  Great Demon Rod  ♦  Hidden Blade I  ♦  Hidden Blade II  ♦  Icewing  ♦  Icicle Fang  ♦  Icicle Fang +  ♦  Immovable Dharma  ♦  Infernal Executioner  ♦  Infernal Executioner +  ♦  Jagras Deathclaw I  ♦  Jagras Deathclaw II  ♦  Laguna Golem I  ♦  Laguna Golem II  ♦  Lightning Punisher IV  ♦  Lohenzahn  ♦  Magdaros Volcanblade  ♦  Mammoth Greataxe I  ♦  Mammoth Greataxe II  ♦  Monstrous Madness  ♦  Naaga Guillotine I  ♦  Naaga Guillotine II  ♦  Nyx Razor I  ♦  Nyx Razor II  ♦  Ogre's Jaw I  ♦  Ogre's Jaw II  ♦  Ogre's Jaw III  ♦  Paladire  ♦  Purgation's Atrocity  ♦  Pyre Cleaver I  ♦  Pyre Cleaver II  ♦  Radobaan Grindblade I  ♦  Radobaan Grindblade II  ♦  Rathalos Gleamsword  ♦  Rathalos Glinsword +  ♦  Rathflame Glinsword  ♦  Ruinous Atrocity  ♦  Safi's Aquasplitter  ♦  Safi's Bindsplitter  ♦  Safi's Boltsplitter  ♦  Safi's Draksplitter  ♦  Safi's Dreamsplitter  ♦  Safi's Frostsplitter  ♦  Safi's Hellsplitter  ♦  Safi's Shattersplitter  ♦  Severing Bolt I  ♦  Severing Bolt II  ♦  Soulfire Edge Blaze  ♦  Soulfire Edge Ruin  ♦  Soulfire Edge Styx  ♦  Tiger Jawblade  ♦  Tiger Jawblade +  ♦  Tigrex Great Sword  ♦  Ultra Wyvern Jawblade  ♦  Water Golem IV  ♦  Wildbite  ♦  Winged Seraphyd  ♦  Wyvern Impact Silver  ♦  Xeno Maliq +  ♦  Xiphias Gladius


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