Tigrine Edge

tigrine edge mhw wiki guide
Rarity 10
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration s -
 mhw attack 825
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity -20%
 mhw element damage (Blastblight Blast 210)
elderseal icon -

Tigrine Edge is a Master Rank Long Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Tigrine Edge Information



Tigrine Edge Crafting and Upgrades

Tigrine Edge has 3 different upgrade levels. It follows the Bone path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
Tigrine Edge 10 825
-20% (Blastblight Blast 210) - -
Craft with: Tigrex Hardclaw x3, Tigrex Shard x4, Monster Slogbone x3, Thick Bone x5
Tigrine Edge + 10 891
-20% (Blastblight Blast 240) - -
Craft with:  Blackcurl Stouthorn x1, Tigrex Hardfang x3, Tigrex Lash x2, Tigrex Mantle x1
Tigrine Need 11 924
-20% (Blastblight Blast 330) - -
Craft with:  Daora Hardclaw x2, Tigrex Hardfang x2, Tigrex Cortex x4, Pure Dragon Blood x5



Tigrine Edge Upgrade Tree

Tigrine Edge is part of an upgrade path for the Long Sword Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Bone tree.


Long Sword Bone Tree


Iceborne Long Swords
Abyss Piercer I  ♦  Abyss Piercer II  ♦  Acid Scimitar I  ♦  Acid Scimitar II  ♦  Ambertooth I  ♦  Ambertooth II  ♦  Anja Direfang I  ♦  Anja Direfang II  ♦  Apsara Glacia  ♦  Bazel Prozio Rooksearer  ♦  Black Tornaria  ♦  Blinding Blaze I  ♦  Blinding Blaze II  ♦  Brachydios Scimitar I  ♦  Brachydios Scimitar II  ♦  Brazenreach I  ♦  Brazenreach II  ♦  Brimstren Drakebone  ♦  Consummate Katana  ♦  Crimson Viperfang I  ♦  Crimson Viperfang II  ♦  Daito Crow  ♦  Deathblade Vaal Grosser  ♦  Deepest Night  ♦  Demon Halberd  ♦  Demon Scavenger Pickaxe  ♦  Despot's Boltbreaker  ♦  Dipterus Varzea I  ♦  Dipterus Varzea II  ♦  Dragonseal Aldblade I  ♦  Dragonseal Aldblade II  ♦  Glavenus Spada I  ♦  Glavenus Spada II  ♦  Gnashing Fulgur I  ♦  Gnashing Fulgur II  ♦  Grand Khopesh I  ♦  Grand Khopesh II  ♦  Grand Khopesh III  ♦  Great Demon Halberd  ♦  Hellish Slasher  ♦  Hidden Saber  ♦  Hidden Saber +  ♦  Hoarcry Stealer  ♦  Hydra Tornaria  ♦  Icebrink  ♦  Imperial Flickerflame  ♦  Iron Eschaton I  ♦  Iron Eschaton II  ♦  Iron Eschaton III  ♦  Kadachi Daito I  ♦  Kadachi Daito II  ♦  Legia Stealer +  ♦  Mad Scavenger Pickaxe  ♦  Magdaros Volcansword  ♦  Mammoth Longblade I  ♦  Mammoth Longblade II  ♦  Radiant Flow  ♦  Rafiq al-Nasr I  ♦  Rafiq al-Nasr II  ♦  Ravenbite  ♦  Reverent Elusarca  ♦  Rooksearer Long Sword  ♦  Ruinous Extermination  ♦  Safi's Aquablade  ♦  Safi's Bindblade  ♦  Safi's Boltblade  ♦  Safi's Drakblade  ♦  Safi's Dreamblade  ♦  Safi's Frostblade  ♦  Safi's Hellblade  ♦  Safi's Shatterblade  ♦  Safi's Venomblade  ♦  Soulfire Lash Blaze  ♦  Soulfire Lash Ruin  ♦  Soulfire Lash Styx  ♦  Stygian Gula  ♦  Tigerfang  ♦  Tigrine Edge +  ♦  Tigrine Need  ♦  Usurper's Boltslicer  ♦  Usurper's Boltslicer +  ♦  Wyvern Blade Blossom  ♦  Wyvern Blade Blossom +  ♦  Wyvern Blade Empyrean  ♦  Wyvern Blade Indigo +  ♦  Wyvern Blade Luna  ♦  Wyvern Blade Pale  ♦  Xeno Cypher +

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