Xeno Raqs +

xeno raqs+mhw wiki guide
Rarity 12
mhw defense s --
mhw decoration s  decoration level 4 mhw wiki decoration level 4 mhw wiki
 mhw attack 392
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 15%
 mhw element damage mhw dragon damage s Dragon 240
elderseal icon Low

Xeno Raqs + is a Master Rank Dual Blades Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Xeno Raqs + Information



Xeno Raqs + Crafting and Upgrades

Xeno Raqs + has 2 different upgrade levels. It follows the bone path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
xeno raqs 96x96Xeno Raqs 8 238   15% mhw dragon damage s Dragon 150 gem level 3gem level 3 --
Craft with: Xeno'jiiva Claw x4, Xeno'jiiva Shell x6, Xeno'jiiva Tail x2, Xeno'jiiva Gem x 1, 56000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
xeno raqs 96x96Xeno Raqs + 12 392    15%  mhw dragon damage s Dragon 240 decoration level 4 mhw wikidecoration level 4 mhw wiki  -- 
Craft with:  Safi'jiiva Hardhorn x4, Safi'jiiva Hardclaw x6, Pulsing Dragonshell x7, Safi'jiiva Cortex x8, 80000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki



Xeno Raqs + Upgrade Tree

Xeno Raqs + is part of an upgrade path for the Dual Blades Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Independent tree.


Dual Blades Independent Tree



Iceborne Dual Blades
Abyss Eaters I  ♦  Abyss Eaters II  ♦  Accursed Chain  ♦  Anja Twinrippers I  ♦  Anja Twinrippers II  ♦  Asefar al-Nasr I  ♦  Asefar al-Nasr II  ♦  Bazel Bombers  ♦  Beo Hatchets I  ♦  Beo Hatchets II  ♦  Blazing Warhawks  ♦  Blizzard and Blaze  ♦  Blizzarioths  ♦  Blizzarioths +  ♦  Boundless Farsight  ♦  Brachydios Blasters I  ♦  Brachydios Blasters II  ♦  Chrome Cross I  ♦  Chrome Cross II  ♦  Chrome Cross III  ♦  Consummate Pair  ♦  Crime  ♦  Crimson Viperclaws I  ♦  Crimson Viperclaws II  ♦  Cross Destroyers I  ♦  Cross Destroyers II  ♦  Death Row  ♦  Despot's Blitz  ♦  Diablos Clubs III  ♦  Drakespirit Hellclaws  ♦  Enduring Sacrifice  ♦  Enduring Surrender  ♦  Fulguring Tornado I  ♦  Fulguring Tornado II  ♦  Guild Knight Sabers  ♦  Hidden Tomahawk I  ♦  Hidden Tomahawk II  ♦  Holy Guild Knight  ♦  Hulking Choppers I  ♦  Hulking Choppers II  ♦  Hulking Choppers III  ♦  Icefeather  ♦  Jyura Keenblades I  ♦  Jyura Keenblades II  ♦  Kadachi Greathawks I  ♦  Kadachi Greathawks II  ♦  Magdaros Volcancross  ♦  Mammoth Direbones I  ♦  Mammoth Direbones II  ♦  Master Sabers  ♦  Mountain Blizzarioths  ♦  Nether Chainblades  ♦  Raven Tessen  ♦  Rex Chain I  ♦  Rex Chain II  ♦  Ruinous Decimation  ♦  Safi's Aquaclaws  ♦  Safi's Bindclaws  ♦  Safi's Boltclaws  ♦  Safi's Drakclaws  ♦  Safi's Dreamclaws  ♦  Safi's Frostclaws  ♦  Safi's Hellclaws  ♦  Safi's Shatterclaws  ♦  Safi's Venomclaws  ♦  Shattering Flames I  ♦  Shattering Flames II  ♦  Sin +  ♦  Smoldering Cities  ♦  Smoldering Cities +  ♦  Smoldering Kingdoms  ♦  Soulfire Fangs Blaze  ♦  Soulfire Fangs Ruin  ♦  Soulfire Fangs Styx  ♦  Stygian Bloodclaws  ♦  Sulfurteinn Ortho  ♦  Suzuka Otakemaru  ♦  Suzuka Takamaru  ♦  Thanatos Mauls  ♦  The Stripping Shears  ♦  Twin Flames  ♦  Untouched Hel  ♦  Usurper's Fulgur  ♦  Usurper's Fulgur +  ♦  Wunderkirins  ♦  Wyvern Lovers  ♦  Wyvern Strife


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