Girros Knife

Category Sword & Shields
 Path Ore
Monster Great Girros

Girros Knife is a Sword & Shield Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Girros Knife Information



Girros Knife Crafting and Upgrades

Girros Knife has 2 upgrade levels. It follows the Ore path, detailed below.

  Rare Attack Power Sharpness Affinity Element Damage Decorations Defense
girros_knife_i_sword-and-shield-monster-hunter-worldGirros Knife I 3 168
10% paralysis 120 - -
Craft with: Great Girros Fang x1, Great Girros Scale x3, Girros Fang x3, 2000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki
girros_knife_ii_sword-and-shield-monster-hunter-worldGirros Knife II 4 182
10% paralysis 150 - -
Craft with: Diablos fang x2, Great Girros fang x3, Great Girros Hood x2, Paralysis sac x 2, 4000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki



Girros Knife Upgrade Tree

Girros Knife is part of an upgrade path for the Sword & Shield Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Ore tree.

Sword and Shield Ore Tree





Sword & Shields
Aqua Messer  ♦  Baan Claw  ♦  Barroth Club  ♦  Blacksteel Sword  ♦  Blazing Edge  ♦  Blooming Knife  ♦  Bone Kukri  ♦  Carapace Edge  ♦  Chief Kukri  ♦  Datura Blossom  ♦  Dragonbone Sword  ♦  Flame Knife  ♦  Glacial Grace  ♦  Grand Barong  ♦  Hunter's Knife  ♦  Iron Bang  ♦  Jagras Edge  ♦  Jagras Garotte  ♦  Lightning Nemesis  ♦  Lumu Knife  ♦  Lumu Tabar  ♦  Malady's Tabar  ♦  Rogue Wave  ♦  Spiked Edge  ♦  Steel Knife  ♦  Thunder Edge



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