Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha

Rarity 12
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration sgem level 1
 mhw attack 100
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 0%
 mhw element damage mhw dragon damage s Dragon 80
mhw elderseal High


Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha is a Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.


Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha Information





Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha Crafting and Upgrades

Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha has ?? different upgrade levels. It follows the ?? path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
Felyne Ruinous Claw Alpha 12 100
0% mhw dragon damage s Dragon 80 gem level 1 --
Nergigante Hardclaw x1, 1200x zenny currency mhworld wiki


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