Barroth Shredder

barroth shredder
Category Great Swords
 Path Bone / Barroth
Monster Barroth

Barroth Shredder is a Great Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Barroth Shredder Information



Barroth Shredder Crafting and Upgrades

Barroth Shredder has 3 upgrade levels. It follows the Bone path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
barroth shredder 96x96Barroth Shredder I 5 816
-20% paralysis iconParalysis (270) gem level 1 +15
Craft with: Barroth Claw + x2, Barroth Carapace  x3, Barroth Ridge + x 2, Kestodon Carapace x 5, 6000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
barroth shredder 96x96Barroth Shredder II 6 864
-20% paralysis iconParalysis (330) gem level 1gem level 1 +15
Craft with: Diablos Carapace x3, Barroth Claw + x1, Barroth Carapace x3, Gestodon Carapace x 5, 16000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
barroth shredder 96x96Barroth Shredder III 6 960
-20% paralysis iconParalysis (390) gem level 2gem level 1 +15
Craft with: Nergigante Horn + x1, Barroth Claw + x5, Barroth Ridge + x 5, Wyvern Gem x 1, 32000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki



Barroth Shredder Upgrade Tree

Barroth Shredder is part of an upgrade path for the Great Sword Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Barroth tree.

Great Sword Bone Tree




Great Swords
Aqua Slasher  ♦  Blacksteel Chopper  ♦  Blooming Blade  ♦  Bone Blade  ♦  Bone Slasher  ♦  Buster Blade  ♦  Buster Sword  ♦  Carapace Buster  ♦  Chrome Razor  ♦  Datura Blaze  ♦  Dragonbone Cleaver  ♦  Flame Blade  ♦  Flammenzahn  ♦  Freeze Blade  ♦  Frost Blade  ♦  Frost Blaze  ♦  Giant Jawblade  ♦  Girros Blade  ♦  Jagras Blade  ♦  Jagras Hacker  ♦  Jawblade  ♦  Lava Blaze  ♦  Lightning Punisher  ♦  Magda Potestas  ♦  Malady's Kiss  ♦  Radobaan Slab  ♦  Spiked Blade  ♦  Thunder Blade  ♦  Thundersword  ♦  Water Golem


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    • Anonymous

      This weapon has 3 Augmentation slots, a single slot + a double slot for gems and benefits from Elementless Up skill. It's the best raw damage Greatsword in the game at the moment. It does more damage than the Nergigante GS.

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