Great Bagpipe III

great bagpipe
Rarity 5
mhw defense s -
mhw decoration s   gem level 1
 mhw attack 588
 mhw sharpness
 mhw affinity 0%
 mhw element damage (paralysis iconParalysis 210)
mhw notes icon mhw note1 iconmhw note3 iconmhw note2 icon

Great Bagpipe III is a Hunting Horn Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.



Great Bagpipe III Information


Great Bagpipe III Crafting and Upgrades

Great Bagpipe has 3 upgrade levels. It follows the Ore path, detailed below.

  Rare mhw attack mhw sharpness mhw affinity mhw element damage mhw decoration s mhw defense s
great bagpipeGreat Bagpipe I 3 462
0% None - -
Craft with: Dragonite Ore x2, Machalite Ore x5, Monster Bone M x 2, 2000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
great bagpipeGreat Bagpipe II 4 546
0% None - -
Craft with: Monster Bone + x2, Dragonite Ore x5, Coral Crystal x2, Machalite Ore x10 4000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki
great bagpipeGreat Bagpipe III 5 588
0% (paralysis iconParalysis 210) gem level 1 -
Craft with: Carbalite Ore x8, Dragonite Ore x5, Dragonvein Crystal x2 6000 x zenny currency mhworld wiki



Great Bagpipe III Upgrade Tree

Great Bagpipe is part of an upgrade path for the Hunting Horn Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Ore tree.

Hunting Horn Ore Tree




Hunting Horns
Anja Barone  ♦  Aqua Bagpipe  ♦  Baan Horn  ♦  Blacksteel Dragonhorn  ♦  Blazing Horn  ♦  Blooming Horn  ♦  Bone Horn  ♦  Dancing Davul  ♦  Dancing Duval  ♦  Datura Horn  ♦  Dragonbone Auldhorn  ♦  Fortissimo  ♦  Gama Horn  ♦  Glacial Bagpipe  ♦  Glass Royale  ♦  Great Bagpipe I  ♦  Hard Bone Horn  ♦  Heavy Bone Horn  ♦  Kula Duda  ♦  Kulu Duda  ♦  Lightning Drum  ♦  Lumu Barone  ♦  Lumu Horn  ♦  Metal Bagpipe  ♦  Sonic Horn  ♦  Spiked Horn  ♦  Thunder Gaida  ♦  Thunderbolt Horn  ♦  Thundercry Horn  ♦  Water Tamtam


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