Fatal Bite

Rarity 7
mhw-defense -
mhw-decoration -
 Attack Power 308
 Affinity -20%
 Element Damage mhw-dragon-damage210
mhw-elderseal High

Fatal Bite is a Sword & Shield Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.


A powerful sword & shield that channels the bloodthirst of Deviljho into every swing. 

Fatal Bite Information



Fatal Bite Crafting and Upgrades

Fatal Bite has 2 different upgrade levels. It follows the Deviljho path, detailed below.

  Rare Attack Power Sharpness Affinity Element Damage Decorations Defense
name_i_sword-and-shield-monster-hunter-worldFatal Jho 6 280
-20% mhw-dragon-damage150 - -
Craft with: Deviljho Scale x6, Deviljho Talon x2, Deviljho Tallfang x 3, Deviljho Saliva x2, 24000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki
name_ii_sword-and-shield-monster-hunter-worldFatal Bite 7 308
-20% mhw-dragon-damage210 - -
Craft with: Elder Dragon Blood x5, Deviljho Tallfang x5, Deviljho Scalp x2, Deviljho Gem x1, 54000x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki




Fatal Bite Upgrade Tree

Fatal Bite is part of an upgrade path for the Sword & Shield Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Deviljho tree.


Sword and Shield Bone Tree





Sword & Shields
Alatreon Star  ♦  Alatreon Sword  ♦  Aqua Messer I  ♦  Aqua Messer II  ♦  Aqua Messer III  ♦  Baan Claw I  ♦  Baan Claw II  ♦  Baan Claw III  ♦  Barroth Club I  ♦  Barroth Club II  ♦  Barroth Club III  ♦  Blacksteel Sword I  ♦  Blacksteel Sword II  ♦  Blazing Edge I  ♦  Blazing Edge II  ♦  Blazing Edge III  ♦  Blooming Knife I  ♦  Blooming Knife II  ♦  Blooming Knife III  ♦  Bone Kukri I  ♦  Bone Kukri II  ♦  Bone Kukri III  ♦  Carapace Edge I  ♦  Carapace Edge II  ♦  Carapace Edge III  ♦  Chief Kukri I  ♦  Chief Kukri II  ♦  Chief Kukri III  ♦  Chrome Slicer I  ♦  Corona  ♦  Datura Blossom I  ♦  Datura Blossom II  ♦  Datura Blossom III  ♦  Defender Warhatchet I  ♦  Defender Warhatchet II  ♦  Defender Warhatchet III  ♦  Defender Warhatchet IV  ♦  Defender Warhatchet V  ♦  Demonlord Mace  ♦  Dragonbone Sword I  ♦  Dragonbone Sword II  ♦  Dragonbone Sword III  ♦  Dragonseal Aldsword I  ♦  Dragonseal Aldsword II  ♦  Drifter Gold Scimitar  ♦  Empress Edge  ♦  Empress Edge Blaze  ♦  Empress Edge Ruin  ♦  Empress Edge Styx  ♦  Ephemeral Fulminator  ♦  Fatal Jho  ♦  Fatalis Sword  ♦  Fate's Shear  ♦  Flame Knife I  ♦  Flame Knife II  ♦  Flammensucher  ♦  Fulguration's Talon  ♦  Fulminator  ♦  Girros Knife I  ♦  Girros Knife II  ♦  Girros Knife III  ♦  Glacial Grace I  ♦  Glacial Grace II  ♦  Glutton Gold Scimitar  ♦  Gnashing Flammensucher  ♦  Gold Blast Scimitar  ♦  Gold Dragon Scimitar  ♦  Gold Water Scimitar  ♦  Grand Barong I  ♦  Grand Barong II  ♦  Guild Palace Sword  ♦  Heat Edge  ♦  Heavy Bang  ♦  Heavy Bang+  ♦  Heavy Bang +  ♦  Hunter's Knife I  ♦  Hunter's Knife II  ♦  Hunter's Knife III  ♦  Hydros Discus  ♦  Iron Bang  ♦  Jagras Edge I  ♦  Jagras Edge II  ♦  Jagras Edge III  ♦  Jagras Garotte I  ♦  Jagras Garotte II  ♦  Jagras Garotte III  ♦  King Gold Scimitar  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Blast  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Dragon  ♦  Kjarr Slicer King  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Myth  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Numb  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Stream  ♦  Kjarr Slicer Water  ♦  Kjarr Sliver King  ♦  Kjarr Sliver Water  ♦  Legia Rimespire  ♦  Lightbreak Sword  ♦  Lightning Nemesis I  ♦  Lightning Nemesis II  ♦  Lightning Nemesis III  ♦  Lumu Knife I  ♦  Lumu Knife II  ♦  Lumu Tabar I  ♦  Lumu Tabar II  ♦  Lumu Tabar III  ♦  Lunatic Rose  ♦  Malady's Tabar I  ♦  Malady's Tabar II  ♦  Malady's Tabar III  ♦  Manifested Lotus  ♦  Master Bang  ♦  Myth Gold Scimitar  ♦  Naaga Seax  ♦  Nephilim Glacia  ♦  Nergal Jack  ♦  Numb Gold Scimitar  ♦  Princess Rapier  ♦  Queen Rapier  ♦  Queen Rose  ♦  Rage Gold Scimitar  ♦  Rimespire  ♦  Rogue Wave I  ♦  Rogue Wave II  ♦  Rogue Wave III  ♦  Royal Nova Sword  ♦  Royal Rose  ♦  Silverbosche  ♦  Spew Gold Scimitar  ♦  Spiked Edge I  ♦  Spiked Edge II  ♦  Steel Knife I  ♦  Steel Knife II  ♦  Stream Gold Scimitar  ♦  Stygian Luxuria  ♦  Taroth Slicer Blast  ♦  Taroth Slicer Dragon  ♦  Taroth Slicer King  ♦  Taroth Slicer Mud  ♦  Taroth Slicer Myth  ♦  Taroth Slicer Rage  ♦  Taroth Slicer Spew  ♦  Taroth Slicer Stream  ♦  Taroth Slicer Tar  ♦  Teostra's Emblem  ♦  Teostra's Medal  ♦  Teostra's Spada  ♦  Thunder Edge I  ♦  Thunder Edge II  ♦  Thunderbolt Sword  ♦  Thunderbolt Sword I  ♦  Thunderbolt Sword II  ♦  True Fatalis Sword  ♦  Witcher's Silver Sword  ♦  Witcher's Silver Sword +  ♦  Witcher's Silver Sword ++  ♦  Witcher Silver Sword+  ♦  Xeno Mabura

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