Reaver “Calamity”

Rarity 7
mhw-defense -
mhw-decoration -
 Attack Power 759
 Affinity -25%
 Element Damage mhw-dragon-damage210
mhw-elderseal High

Reaver “Calamity” is a Long Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.


A living blade made from Deviljho meat and bone. Possesses a ruthless bite.

Reaver “Calamity” Information



Reaver “Calamity” Crafting and Upgrades

Reaver “Calamity” has 2 different upgrade levels. It follows the Deviljho path, detailed below.

  Rare Attack Power Sharpness Affinity Element Damage Decorations Defense
name_i_long-sword-monster-hunter-worldReaver “Cruelty” 6 693
-25% mhw-dragon-damage150 - -
Craft with: Deviljho Scale x6, Deviljho Talon x2, Deviljho Tallfang x 3, Deviljho Saliva x2, 24000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki
reaver_calamity_96x96Reaver “Calamity” 7 759
-25% mhw-dragon-damage210 - -
Craft with: Elder Dragon Blood x5, Deviljho Tallfang x5, Deviljho Scalp x2, Deviljho Gem x1, 54000x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki




Reaver “Calamity” Upgrade Tree

Reaver “Calamity” is part of an upgrade path for the Long Sword Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant bone tree.

Long Sword Independent Tree


Long Swords
Adularia Edge  ♦  Anja Direfang  ♦  Anja Scimitar I  ♦  Anja Scimitar II  ♦  Anja Scimitar III  ♦  Azure Star Blade  ♦  Azure Star Dragon Dance  ♦  Azure Star Dragon Dance +  ♦  Bazel Varga Rookslayer  ♦  Blacksteel Long Sword I  ♦  Blacksteel Long Sword II  ♦  Blazing Shotel I  ♦  Blazing Shotel II  ♦  Blazing Shotel III  ♦  Bone Reaper I  ♦  Bone Reaper II  ♦  Bone Shotel I  ♦  Bone Shotel II  ♦  Bone Shotel III  ♦  Brazen Ridge I  ♦  Brazen Ridge II  ♦  Brazenridge I  ♦  Brazenridge II  ♦  Chrome Slicer II  ♦  Daito Wolf  ♦  Dark Claw  ♦  Dark Claw Demise  ♦  Dark Scimitar I  ♦  Dark Scimitar II  ♦  Dark Scimitar III  ♦  Dark Shotel I  ♦  Dark Shotel II  ♦  Dazzling Flash I  ♦  Dazzling Flash II  ♦  Dazzling Flash III  ♦  Decay Gold Katana  ♦  Defender Katana I  ♦  Defender Katana II  ♦  Defender Katana III  ♦  Defender Katana IV  ♦  Defender Katana V  ♦  Demonlord Halberd  ♦  Dipterus I  ♦  Dipterus II  ♦  Dipterus III  ♦  Divine Slasher  ♦  Dragonbone Stabber I  ♦  Dragonbone Stabber II  ♦  Dragonbone Stabber III  ♦  Empress Sword  ♦  Empress Sword Blaze  ♦  Empress Sword Ruin  ♦  Empress Sword Styx  ♦  Eradication Vanguard  ♦  Extermination's Edge  ♦  Fatalis Zaggespanon  ♦  First Dance I  ♦  First Dance II  ♦  First Dance III  ♦  Flash Gold Katana  ♦  Flickering Glow I  ♦  Flickering Glow II  ♦  Glacial Shotel II  ♦  Gold Paralysis Katana  ♦  Gold Poison Katana  ♦  Gold Water Katana  ♦  Guild Palace Rapier  ♦  Gyre Gold Katana  ♦  Hard Bone Shotel I  ♦  Hard Bone Shotel II  ♦  Hard Bone Shotel III  ♦  Hazak Grosser I  ♦  Hazak Grosser II  ♦  Imperial Saber  ♦  Imperial Shimmer  ♦  Iron Gospel I  ♦  Iron Gospel II  ♦  Iron Grace I  ♦  Iron Grace II  ♦  Iron Grace III  ♦  Iron Katana I  ♦  Iron Katana II  ♦  Iron Katana III  ♦  Jyura Shotel I  ♦  Jyura Shotel II  ♦  Jyura Shotel III  ♦  Kadachi Fang I  ♦  Kadachi Fang II  ♦  Kadachi Fang III  ♦  Kjarr Sword Decay  ♦  Kjarr Sword Fire  ♦  Kjarr Sword Magma  ♦  Kjarr Sword Paralysis  ♦  Kjarr Sword Spark  ♦  Kjarr Sword Stream  ♦  Kjarr Sword Water  ♦  Last Dance I  ♦  Last Dance II  ♦  Last Dance III  ♦  Legia Stealer  ♦  Lightbreak Edge  ♦  Lurk Gold Katana  ♦  Magda Facultas  ♦  Magda Facultas I  ♦  Magda Facultas II  ♦  Magma Gold Katana  ♦  Mire Gold Katana  ♦  Nergal Reaver  ♦  Pulsar Shotel I  ♦  Pulsar Shotel II  ♦  Pulsar Shotel III  ♦  Rage Gold Katana  ♦  Reaver “Cruelty”  ♦  Rookslayer Long Sword  ♦  Royal Captain Rapier  ♦  Spark Gold Katana  ♦  Stealer  ♦  Steel Knife III  ♦  Supremacy Blade  ♦  Taroth Sword Fire  ♦  Taroth Sword Flash  ♦  Taroth Sword Paralysis  ♦  Taroth Sword Poison  ♦  Taroth Sword Stream  ♦  Taroth Sword Water  ♦  Thief Gold Katana  ♦  Thunder Blitz I  ♦  Wyvern Blade  ♦  Wyvern Blade Azure  ♦  Wyvern Blade Blood  ♦  Wyvern Blade Fall  ♦  Wyvern Blade Holly  ♦  Wyvern Blade Indigo  ♦  Wyvern Blade Verde  ♦  Xeno Cypher


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    • Anonymous

      you're probably looking in "forge equipment" instead of "upgrade equipment" as I don't think that they just refuse to let you make a weapon if you have all the parts and money

      • Anonymous

        makes no sence why cant i see how much i can buff the dragon damage till it hits a gab. I can see it nowhere and it is importent information and easy to find out. So why cant the wiki tell me this stuff so i know if the weapon is worth my time or not?

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