Wrathful Predation

Rarity 7
mhw-defense -
mhw-decoration -
 Attack Power 308
 Affinity -20%
 Element Damage mhw-dragon-damage180
mhw-elderseal High

Wrathful Predation is a Dual Blades Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.


Weapons that embody the Deviljho, nature's perfect predator. The heated blades seem almost alive...

Wrathful Predation Information



Wrathful Predation Crafting and Upgrades

Wrathful Predation has 2 different upgrade levels. It follows the Deviljho path, detailed below.

  Rare Attack Power Sharpness Affinity Element Damage Decorations Defense
name_i_dual-blades-monster-hunter-worldWrath & Rancor 6 280
-20% mhw-dragon-damage120 - -
Craft with: Deviljho Scale x6, Deviljho Talon x2, Deviljho Tallfang x 3, Deviljho Saliva x2, 24000 x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki
name_ii_dual-blades-monster-hunter-worldWrathful Predation 7 308
-20% mhw-dragon-damage180 - -
Craft with: Elder Dragon Blood x5, Deviljho Tallfang x5, Deviljho Scalp x2, Deviljho Gem x1, 54,000x zenny-currency-mhworld-wiki




Wrathful Predation Upgrade Tree

Wrathful Predation is part of an upgrade path for the Dual Blades Weapon Tree. Below is an excerpt of the relevant Independent tree.

Dual Blades Independent Tree


Dual Blades
Anja Cyclone I  ♦  Anja Cyclone II  ♦  Anja Cyclone III  ♦  Anja Twinrippers  ♦  Arcanaria I  ♦  Arcanaria II  ♦  Arcanaria III  ♦  Bazelhawk Rookslayer  ♦  Blacksteel Twins I  ♦  Blacksteel Twins II  ♦  Blazing Hatchets I  ♦  Blazing Hatchets II  ♦  Blazing Hatchets III  ♦  Blood-drinker Chainblade  ♦  Bone Hatchets I  ♦  Bone Hatchets II  ♦  Bone Hatchets III  ♦  Chrome Slicers I  ♦  Chrome Slicers II  ♦  Dark Ripper I  ♦  Dark Ripper II  ♦  Dark Ripper III  ♦  Decimation Claws  ♦  Defender Chainsaws I  ♦  Defender Chainsaws II  ♦  Defender Chainsaws III  ♦  Defender Chainsaws IV  ♦  Defender Chainsaws V  ♦  Diablos Clubs I  ♦  Diablos Clubs II  ♦  Diablos Hatchets I  ♦  Diablos Hatchets II  ♦  Downy Crake Brooms  ♦  Downy Crake Love  ♦  Dragonbone Twinblades I  ♦  Dragonbone Twinblades II  ♦  Dual Destroyers I  ♦  Dual Destroyers II  ♦  Dual Destroyers III  ♦  Dual Slicers I  ♦  Dual Slicers II  ♦  Dual Slicers III  ♦  Empress Daggers  ♦  Empress Daggers Blaze  ♦  Empress Daggers Ruin  ♦  Empress Daggers Styx  ♦  Enduring Schism  ♦  Eruptor Gold Twinblades  ♦  Fire and Ice  ♦  Flash Gold Twinblades  ♦  Freeze Chain I  ♦  Freeze Chain II  ♦  Freeze Daggers I  ♦  Freeze Daggers II  ♦  Garon Hatchets I  ♦  Garon Hatchets II  ♦  Gold Ice Twinblades  ♦  Gold Poison Twinblades  ♦  Gold Water Twinblades  ♦  Holy Sabers  ♦  Horn Gold Twinblades  ♦  Jyura Hatchets  ♦  Jyura Hatchets I  ♦  Jyura Hatchets II  ♦  Jyura Hatchets III  ♦  Kadachi Claws I  ♦  Kadachi Claws II  ♦  Kadachi Claws III  ♦  Kirin Bolts  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Dragon  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Ice  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Lurk  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Magma  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Rage  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Spark  ♦  Kjarr Daggers Water  ♦  Lava Cyclone I  ♦  Lava Cyclone II  ♦  Luminous Daggers I  ♦  Luminous Daggers II  ♦  Lurk Gold Twinblades  ♦  Madness Pangas I  ♦  Madness Pangas II  ♦  Madness Pangas III  ♦  Magda Ungulae I  ♦  Magda Ungulae II  ♦  Magma Gold Twinblades  ♦  Mahda Ungulae I  ♦  Matched Slicers I  ♦  Matched Slicers II  ♦  Matched Slicers III  ♦  Mire Gold Twinblades  ♦  Monarch  ♦  Pulsar Hatchets I  ♦  Pulsar Hatchets II  ♦  Pulsar Hatchets III  ♦  Rage Gold Twinblades  ♦  Rending Beaks I  ♦  Rending Beaks II  ♦  Rending Beaks III  ♦  Rookslayer Handaxes  ♦  Sin  ♦  Spark Gold Twinblades  ♦  Strong Hatchets I  ♦  Strong Hatchets II  ♦  Strong Hatchets III  ♦  Sworn Rapiers  ♦  Sworn Rapiers +  ♦  Taroth Daggers Blast  ♦  Taroth Daggers Claw  ♦  Taroth Daggers Eruptor  ♦  Taroth Daggers Flash  ♦  Taroth Daggers Horn  ♦  Taroth Daggers Ice  ♦  Taroth Daggers Lurk  ♦  Taroth Daggers Magma  ♦  Taroth Daggers Mire  ♦  Taroth Daggers Poison  ♦  Taroth Daggers Rage  ♦  Taroth Daggers Spark  ♦  Taroth Daggers Thief  ♦  Taroth Daggers Water  ♦  Taurus Pangas I  ♦  Taurus Pangas II  ♦  Thief Gold Twinblades  ♦  Twin Nails  ♦  Whetfish Sabers  ♦  Whetfish Sabers +  ♦  Wild Hatchets I  ♦  Wild Hatchets II  ♦  Wild Hatchets III  ♦  Wrath & Rancor  ♦  Xeno Raqs  ♦  Zireael

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    • Anonymous

      Do I have to be a certain level in order to get these? i want them, but it doesn’t tell me (in-game) how to make them. just says “You cannot forge this” or whatever. ):

      • Anonymous

        My babies from 3U are back! The raw damage they output more than makes up for the affinity, as do most negative affinity weapons.

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