Arrowhead Gekkos are an Endemic Life creature in Monster Hunter World (MHW). These animals and insects are found out in the field, and can be captured by dedicated Hunters looking to research the New World.


These guys eat the bugs that gather around nutritious nuts. So it's as if their arrow-shaped heads point straight to bug buffets!

Arrowhead Gekko Location

You can find Arrowhead Gekkos in:

Notes: Arrowhead Gekko only spawns in the map when the area's Locale Info has some rare Account Item gathering points, e.g. during Flourishing: Fruits and Upsurge: Pearl Oyster. It appears near the rare gathering point and guides the hunter to the right place. It will stay in place for easy capturing until the point is gathered.  Catching the gekko and then gathering all of the items from the account item gathering point you found it near will trigger the gathering point's "regeneration" timer, at which point another gekko will spawn along with the account item. (May require fast traveling to a camp to reset the gekko.) 


Arrowhead Gekko Capturing Rewards

You can capture Arrowhead Gekkos by using the infinite item Capture Net.

  • House placing: 1F Floor, 2F Floor, Flower Bed
  • The 'Friendly Pointer' trophy/achievement
  • Other rewards: 400 RP


Arrowhead Gekko Notes

  • "These lizards feed on the bugs that flock to fruit-bearing trees. Follow where their triangular heads point!"
  • Sizes:  64.64 ~ 105.46
  • Daytime: Any – but it’s only found at fruit-bearing trees, the ones that give you research points when harvesting them
  • High possibility of spawn in the quest The Lord of the Underworld Beckons
  • Despite being released alongside the Iceborne expansion, it cannot be found at Hoarfrost Reach



Endemic Life
Andangler  ♦  Augurfly  ♦  Blissbill  ♦  Blue Diva  ♦  Bomb Arowana  ♦  Bomb Beetle  ♦  Bristly Crake  ♦  Burst Arowana  ♦  Cactuar  ♦  Cactuar Cutting  ♦  Carrier Ant  ♦  Climbing Joyperch  ♦  Cobalt Flutterfly  ♦  Copper Calappa  ♦  Crowned Prawn  ♦  Dapper Coralbird  ♦  Downy Crake  ♦  Duffel Penguin  ♦  Dung Beetle  ♦  Elegant Coralbird  ♦  Emerald Helmcrab  ♦  Emperor Hopper  ♦  Flashfly  ♦  Flowering Cactuar Cutting  ♦  Fluffy Moly  ♦  Flying Meduso  ♦  Forest Gekko  ♦  Forest Pteryx  ♦  Giant Vigorwasp  ♦  Glass Parexus  ♦  Gloom Gekko  ♦  Gold Calappa  ♦  Gold Helmcrab  ♦  Gold Hercudrome  ♦  Gold Scalebat  ♦  Golden Helmcrab  ♦  Goldenfish  ♦  Goldenfry  ♦  Goldspring Macaque  ♦  Grandfather Mantagrell  ♦  Great Goldenfish  ♦  Great King Marlin  ♦  Gunpowderfish  ♦  Hercudrome  ♦  Hopguppy  ♦  Iron Helmcrab  ♦  Moly  ♦  Moon Slug  ♦  Moonlight Gekko  ♦  Mossy Moly  ♦  Nekker  ♦  Nitrotoad  ♦  Omenfly  ♦  Paratoad  ♦  Pearlspring Macaque  ♦  Petricanths  ♦  Phantom Flutterfly  ♦  Pilot Hare  ♦  Pink Parexus  ♦  Platinumfish  ♦  Prism Hercudrome  ♦  Revolture  ♦  Rime Beetle  ♦  Rocky Moly  ♦  Rowdy Moly  ♦  Scalebat  ♦  Scavantula  ♦  Sealord's Crestfish  ♦  Shepherd Hare  ♦  Shiny Gold Helmcrab  ♦  Sleeptoad  ♦  Soldier Helmcrab  ♦  Stonebill  ♦  Sushifish  ♦  Tsuchinoko  ♦  Tyrant Hopper  ♦  Vaporonoid  ♦  Vigorwasp  ♦  Whetfish  ♦  Wiggler  ♦  Wiggler Queen  ♦  Wildspire Gekko  ♦  Wintermoon Nettle  ♦  Woodland Pteryx

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    • Anonymous

      Tip: look for "Flourishing/Upsurge: XYZ" conditions to find the Arrowhead Gekko pointing to specific ingredients of each map (except Hoarfrost Reach). This little guy always appears to show you the way to Canteen ingredients (Account Items) during those flourishing/upsurge moments.

      - Ancient Forest: "Flourishing: Mushrooms" (it'll be on Area 11 pointing to an Unique Mushroom Colony on an dead-end where the Mosswine hangs out by a river branch with the Climbing Joyperches. You can access this spot by either diving or crawling under a bunch of branches)
      and "Flourishing: Flower Beds" (it'll be on Area 17 pointing to a Flower Bed west of the Ancient Forest Camp (17). You'll have to take the treetop pathways and after passing an Adamant Seed, you'll need to use a vine to jump on a giant nest to access this Flower Bed and capture the Arrowhead Gekko).

      - Wildspire Waste: "Flourishing: Cacti" (it'll be on Area 5 pointing to a cactus on the highest point of the map. You'll have to climb all the way to the top where the Blissbills have their nest and will spot the Gekko pointing to the cactus on the right, on the opposite side of the Honey) and "Flourishing: Fruit" (it'll be on Area 15 in the hideout of the Protectors. Once you crawl your way in the hideout, look to your left and you'll spot the Arrowhead Gekko pointing to a Tough-skinned Fruit by the wall).

      - Coral Highlands: "Upsurge: Conch Shell" (it'll be on Area 9 in a cave with lots of Wigglers. Leaving the Southern Camp (1), go to your left and slide your way to Area 3. Passing a coral arch you will see vines on your left, climb twice to reach Area 9. You'll spot a crawling entrance in front of a brown coral boulder. Crawl inside the cave and you will see the Arrowhead among a bunch of Wigglers. If you follow the Gekko, it'll lead you to a Conch Shell on your right) and "Upsurge: Pearl Oysters" (it'll be on Area 14 pointing to a Pearl Oyster inside a green cave. To access this spot, once you leave the Northeast Camp (12), turn left, pass the Gajalakas, pass the coral arch and climb the vines on the wall to your left until you see an entrance to a cave. Enter the cave and climb the center column until you spot a platform with two Devil's Blights on your back. The Arrowhead should be there pointing to the Pearl Oyster on the platform).

      - Rotten Vale: "Upsurge: Ancient Fossils" (it'll be on Area 1 pointing to an Ancient Fossil. After you leave the Southeast Camp (1) turn right and reach the big open space on Area 1. You'll see three paths, take the first one on your left, which is the shortest one and have a Mandragora. The Arrowhead should be pointing to an Ancient Fossil passing the Mandragora, right in the middle of the path) and "Upsurge: Crimson Fruit" (it'll be on Area 10, pointing to a Crimson Fruit next to the shortcut cave. Go to the Plunderers hideout and exit the crawling entrance with the stalactites. Pass the Crimson Fruit on your right and climb the brown vines on the wall to reach a small platform with the shortcut cave. The Arrowhead Gekko should be on your left side pointing to a Crimson Fruit facing the wall).

      - Elder's Recess: "Upsurge: Amber Deposits" (You'll need to have access to the Gajalaka hideout for this one. It'll be on the ceiling of the narrow river pathway on Area 16 and will lead you to an Amber Deposit next to the small waterfall that bathes the Northwest Camp (16)) and "Upsurge: Beryl Deposits" (it'll be on Area 8, you'll pass the giant silver crystals with the falling boulders traps and the Vitalilies and when you see the Gajalakas just pass them and jump on the large crystal bridge that leads to the lava areas. The Arrowhead will be pointing to a Beryl Deposit by the wall you just jumped from).

      *** Another tip: if you have trouble getting the Flourishing/Upsurge conditions in regular expeditions, talk to the Provisions Manager > Manage Investigations > R3 (Sort) > Locale Information > then you choose your Flourishing/Upsurge conditions.

      I hope this helps...

      • Anonymous

        This Little Guy Pops up in various locations, like a spring bunny lol
        Also Picked him up from the Boa Boa #3 - Pawswap, Life Powder for Arrowhead Gekko, Silly Trade but okay lol

        • Anonymous

          Ancient Forest area 17 on Flourishing: Flower Beds. Text when caught: "These lizards feed on the bugs that flock to fruit-bearing trees. Follow where their triangular heads point!"

          • Anonymous

            Rotten Vale area 1, during upsurge of ancient fossils, there's a slope that goes down to area 6, the gekko and rare fossil are right before the drop

            • Anonymous

              Found one in Ancient Forest area 17. It's in a sort of bird nest along the tree tops (not the wyvern nest). Flourishing: flower beds

              • Anonymous

                They always seem to spawn near rare gathering points (during an upsurge in master rank) that unlock special canteen ingredients. They also to respawn once that gathering spot grows back, thus they can be farmed without having to travel to different locations. Just catch it, gather the item it was pointing at and wait for it to reset, once the special gathering point has reset the gecko will spawn nearby and run towards the gathering point when you approach it.

                • Anonymous

                  Area 8 Elder's Recess, starts above the ledge found just above the Noahstone spawn, spawned 100% on beryl flourishing.

                  • Found one in Rotten Valley, area 10, below the entrace for the shortcut to area 2. On the event quest "The Lord of the Underworld Beckons". Sees to be a guaranteed spawn.

                    • Anonymous

                      Found one in Rotten Valley, area 10, below the entrace for the shortcut to area 2. On the event quest "The Lord of the Underworld Beckons". Sees to be a guaranteed spawn.

                      • Anonymous

                        Found mine in the Ancient Forest Area 11 tunnels on a tree branch. Weather was normal on this occasion and no specific events during this time when i entered the area for a hunt mission.

                        • Anonymous

                          after testing these guy only spawn when any canteen ingredients unlock upsurge is up (mushroom, flower, cacti etc.) and will alway spawn near the special gathering point

                          • Anonymous

                            as far as i can tell 100% chance of spawning near unique crimson fruit in rotten vale when it's in upsurge

                            • Anonymous

                              Found one in the Wildspire Waste in area 5. Just as you get to the last climbing vines to the high nest, it ran up along the spire and stopped at a cactus spot on the highest peak. I was wearing a Gillie Mantle so not sure if it can be startled. I *think* it was during Cacti Upsurge as I don't think there is a cactus spot there normally. Was clear weather during the day, if that matters as well.

                              • Anonymous

                                I captured one in the tunnel where the gajalaka pawswap is in the elders recess! It was on the ceiling of the cave

                                • Anonymous

                                  I've typically found these guys spawning right next to 'rare' gathering nodes during corresponding Upsurge/Flourishing moments. I found my first one entirely randomly, followed it, and found an Ancient Fossil gathering node during a fossil upsurge, giving me Wicked Fossil [and the ingredient for it]. Since then, I was looking for Noahstone and one appeared right next to it, same with Heavenberry. I guess they're meant to be a sort of organic guide to help you find these sorts of specific-place, upsurge/flourishing only items for canteen ingredients? Hope this helps someone, didn't see any comments, so figured, why not?

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